
博世 Bosch VG4-324-ECE0M Autodome 300 室外 36 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机


博世 Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0M 室外 36 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机 博世 Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0M 是博世安全摄像机的精英系列之一。博世安防摄像机拥有行业率先的质量和性能。博世安全摄像机具有很好的功能,使其成为任何视频监控系统的解决方案。以下是博世 VG4-324-ECE0M 的主要特性。 博世 Autodome 300 VG4-324-ECE0M 主要特点: • Consists of a 36x Day/Night PTZ camera, outdoor pendant housing with a clear bubble, and a Corner mount • Equipped with interchangeable modules such as CPU, camera, housing, communications, and power supply • Allows you to hot-swap the modules without removing the dome and wiring • Ideal for places where there is frequent installing and removal of cameras • Supports a variety of standard and optional video and data transmission methods, including Bilinx (over coax and UTP), fiber, and even TCP/ IP over Ethernet • Offers remote control, configuration, and firmware updates over these cables • Eliminates image quality degradation due to signal loss and long cable lengths • Equipped with 1/4" Exview HAD CCD sensor • Offers a resolution of 768 x 494 • MPEG4 compression technology - offers DVD-quality 4CIF video at frame rates up to 25/30 PAL/NTSC images per second (IPS) • Autofocus function and Autoiris • Autoscaling automatically sets up the camera in a default position to view the object at the correct size • Autotracking feature senses an object under the dome and automatically rotates and flips the camera • Offers sensitivity of 30 IRE (day) and 50 IRE (night) • SensUp control feature automatically extends the shutter speed up to one second • 360° per second pan/tilt speeds and supports 99 pre-position and two styles of guard tours - preset and record/playback • Preset tour can support up to 99 pre-positions with a configurable dwell time between pre-positions • You can customize the order and frequency of these presets • Record / playback allows you to store and playback operator's movements such as pan, tilt, and zoom activities • Provides support for 2 recorded tours with a combined duration of 15 minutes • Supports menu languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, and Polish • Equipped with advanced alarm control for efficient management of alarms and offers up to 7 alarm inputs • Out of the 7 alarm inputs, 2 alarms are set for programmable analog inputs for EOLR (End-of-Line Resistor) supervision in security applications and detect any opened, closed or tampered circuits • Offers 4 programmable outputs - 1 relay rated at 2A and 3 additional open collectors for driving external devices • Superior privacy masking - offers a total of 24 individual privacy masks, with up to 8 displayed in the same scene • Allows you to mask up to 5 corners with black, white, and blurred colors 摄像机风格: PTZ Compliance: 符合国防授权法案 Environmental: Outdoor 传感器尺寸: 1/4" 传感器类型: CCD Technology: 网络(IP) Warranty: 3 年制造商保修
