
博世 Bosch VG4-523-ECE1C AutoDome 500i 智能户外日夜 26 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机


博世 AutoDome VG4-523-ECE1C 500i 智能户外日夜 26 倍 PTZ IP 安防摄像机 博世 AutoDome VG4-523-ECE1C 是博世安全摄像机的精英系列之一。博世安防摄像机拥有行业率先的质量和性能。博世安全摄像机具有很好的功能,使其成为任何视频监控系统的解决方案。以下是博世 AutoDome VG4-523-ECE1C 的主要功能。 博世 AutoDome VG4-523-ECE1C 主要特点: • 1/4" Exview HAD CCD imager • 26x zoom (3.5 -91.0 mm) lens • Provides high-quality imagery at resolutions up to 540TVL • WDR function - corrects extreme lighting environments marked by high-contrast and harsh backlit scenes • Autoscaling automatically sets up the camera in a default position to view the object at the correct size • AutoPivot feature automatically rotates and flips the camera to ensure optimal control • Day/night ICR (Infrared Cut Filter Removal) function - switches between color and B W as per changes in ambient lighting, ensuring accurate color reproduction in daylight and enhanced B W images at night • SensUp Control - enhances the sensitivity by automatically reducing the shutter speed to 1 second • 360° per second pan/tilt speeds and supports 99 pre-positions and 2 styles of guard tours - preset and record/playback • Preset tour can support up to 99 pre-positions with a configurable dwell time between pre-positions • Customize the order and frequency of each preset • Supports 2 recording tours with up to 15 minutes recording duration • Supports menu languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, and Polish • Advanced DSP - provides smooth tracking of images, enabling real-time video processing • Video Motion Detection - triggers an alarm when motion is detected in a designated portion of the video display • Supports up to 10 individual regions of interest • Innovative CTFID (Configuration Tool for Imaging Devices) for remotely changing the camera's settings as well as updating firmware • Camera uses rules-based logic to manage alarms • Inputs and outputs with pre-defined and user-specified keyboard commands can be combined for performing advanced dome functions • Handles 7 alarm inputs including 2 analog inputs that are programmed for EOLR for real-time security applications • Supports 3 outputs where 1 relay is rated at 2A, and 3 additional open collectors are for driving external devices • Privacy Masking is used to mask specific portions of a scene for security reasons • Allow a total of 24 privacy masks • Up to 8 masks can be displayed on the same scene • Each masked area can be programmed with 3, 4, or 5 corners to hide more complex shapes • Optional hybrid/IP configuration allows the camera to simultaneously stream IP video via LAN or WAN and CVBS video via coaxial cabling • IP66-rated outdoor pendant enclosure • Tinted bubble • Works on 120VAC voltage • Includes a corner mount for easy mounting • Built-in diagnostics ensure easy servicing and minimize downtime • Use the OSD to quickly check the critical parameters such as internal temperature and input voltage level and verify if the dome is functioning within acceptable operating limits • Ethernet Connection - you can access all user settings, camera adjustments, and update firmware on a web server via a standard web browser Compliance: 符合国防授权法案 Environmental: Outdoor Technology: 网络(IP) Warranty: 3 年制造商保修
